The Mental Game

The mental game. Managing the all-too-common mental illnesses that beset many of us. And being open to discussing and breaking down prejudices about mental illness.

My challenges with depression and anxiety and all that comes with that. I have suffered for as long as I can remember; my earliest memories are those of anxiety and fear. Matters have tended to worsen as years have passed, and it has affected all aspects of my life and well-being.

Getting your mental game in shape can be a long road, and progress can be erratic. I have a robust set of tools and a good support network. But the mental game is something that needs work every day. There is no vacation day to look forward to.

Mental health awareness has improved in recent years. In some areas, it is still seen as a weakness. Sports and the workplace have made strides, but there is a long way to go. My small commitment to helping others has been to speak openly in the workplace and on this blog. My thought has been that if I help one person a tiny amount, it’s been worth it.

Living With Antidepressants

Dealing With My Depression Living with antidepressants is something I deal with as I seek to better my mental health. I wrote about my struggle with depression here and mental health issues in the business world being taboo. I expected that someone somewhere would use …

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I Live At Work

Lockdown & Mental Health I live at work. A year ago we had a company day at Old Trafford and I remember talking about the exciting year ahead. At the time I believe there were single figures of COVID cases in the UK. The virus …

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Finding Personal Balance

Finding personal balance is an ongoing work. For me, but for many others too, I suspect. This year more so than most, given the world is in a once in a generation or once in a century crisis right now. Writing a blog post every …

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Neutral Thinking

It Takes What It Takes Neutral thinking is the subject of Trevor Moawad’s new book, “It Takes What It Takes”. A good book, provoking me to take a look at how I’m managing. It’s an interesting concept that I battle with a lot. Moawad is …

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The Numbers: Personal Effectiveness

The Numbers For Calm The Numbers. Another year, another set of new tweaks to help me progress. Today is my 50 Days Of Calm. I starting a daily meditation practice during December. Missed a couple due to travel, but have now logged 50 days in …

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One Year No Beer

Always Changing One year no beer wasn’t really my mantra when I set off on this journey. Partway through I discovered a community which does sport this title. More to come later on that. If you’ve read any of this blog, you will know I’m …

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Reflection Missing In Action

Reflection has gone missing in action, as has my blogging action. It’s more than a month since I last wrote anything. Life is busy. Business is intense, not just the day to day. I’m working with a team who are delivering. In parallel taking a …

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Ikigai: Seeking My Purpose

A Japanese Philosophy For Making Life Worthwhile The Anti-Golf Approach Ikigai is a Japanese concept that means “a reason for being.” It’s been on my mind as I watch the next stage of my work life unfold. It’s become an increasing preoccupation for me. I …

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1,149 Nights Of Sleep: More & Better Please

Sleep Is Not My Friend Sleep has never come easily to me. I remember being young, pre-secondary school, and having chronic insomnia, wide awake for hours. Letting my imagination run riot, planning things I would do when the day rolled around and the rest of …

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