Faster, Stronger, Longer

Faster, stronger, longer is my aim. To be healthy for longer. Maximising healthy and productive years. Not slowly sinking in an array of diseases linked to poor lifestyle choices.

I’m always trying to stay in good physical shape. This is not the diary of some super athlete dashing from one achievement to another. It’s the life of a distinctly average man trying to do his best and proving that we can all be faster, stronger and go longer.

My mind is open regarding research, methods and techniques in the area of physical wellness. I spend much time considering diet, sports nutrition, and supplementation. Experimentation is fascinating; I often try new dietary interventions and exercise regimes. It helps that I work in the sports space, I get a lot of access to leading-edge techniques and thinking.

You don’t need to be outstanding to improve and be faster, stronger, and train and compete longer. Let’s just do the work and do it regularly.

Misogi Reality

Father Time Has Presented The Bill Misogi reality is kicking in, as my challenge appears to be in deep conversation with Father Time. I’m due to run the New York Marathon 39 weeks from today. It’s a true misogi, as I haven’t completed a marathon …

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My Misogi Challenge

Before explaining my misogi challenge, I want to explain the core concept. Then I’ll tell you why I’m pursuing it, together with the big and small challenges I’m entertaining. I encountered misogi during a discussion in a chance meeting with a successful US entrepreneur who …

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The Last Dance – One More Big Challenge?

Is 2025 My Last Shot? The last dance for my big annual athletic event is almost upon me. My mind works like this: I know I have to stay fit to have a decent later life; I’m not naturally athletically gifted, and I need to …

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Embrace The Grind

I wrote a blog post about whether to stick with or quit my training some days ago. I’ve been busy since then, trying to understand what’s going on for me and finding a way forward. After a short mental slump, I realised I needed to …

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Stick Or Quit – At 67 Is It Time To Accept My Decline?

The Best Laid Plans ‘Stick or quit’ is not my usual conversation with myself. It’s on my mind now, and I’m not sure if it’s my psyche playing with me, introducing the ‘quit’ word to get me going again. Or is it that time? It’s …

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Staying In Shape At 50 And Beyond

Keep It Simple And Focus On Four Areas Staying in shape at 50 and beyond. I’m a 67-year-old weekend warrior athlete who spends time in the gym and working on my cardio through running. I’m in the top 15% of my age group in crucial …

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Do The Work

One Last Blog On Resilience Do the work. That’s been the core mantra for me over the last couple of years. I am going to move my writing on after this post, into a broader look at physical and mental wellness, particularly in the context …

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Consistency, Resilience, Results

Positive Mindset My positive mindset powered me to deadlift my body weight for three sets of eight yesterday. So what? It was a significant milestone for me only four months after a serious cycling accident. I was knocked unconscious, and while there was no lasting …

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HRV – The Key Metric

Indicators of Fitness And Readiness HRV is the key metric that determines my fitness and training readiness. Heart rate variability measures the time between each heartbeat. Somewhat counterintuitively, for me, more variance between beats is better. A higher variability indicates better cardiovascular fitness and a …

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Keep Grinding – Rebuilding

Grinding For Life I use keep grinding as a hashtag in my Instagram exercise photos and videos. I’m deep into my sixties and when I refer to keeping grinding, I’m not referring to the sound of my knees. I am highlighting an essential truth of …

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